
Vita-Enzyme Powder 2024-02-28 14:34 Dr.PaceLeader  I cleaned my house thoroughly the other day. Although I do the cleaning every week, but only to keep the surface clean. During the cleaning, I can’t help but think of skin care (career-related [laughing]). The first step of skin care steps - cleansing, is like "cleaning" You may have heard of double cleansing , which is often referred to as the first and the second cleansing . Picture source:Freepik Let’s briefly summarize the concept first~ ✅ The first cleansing: It refers to the step of removing makeup (light/heave makeup), just like cleaning up the garbage and visible dust on the floor at home. ✅ The second cleansing: the steps to remove impurities and waste materials deep in the skin, just like thoroughly cleaning the dirt on the floor at home. Picture source:Freepik
TEA TREE FOAM CLEANSING  What to expect: ✅Highly concentrated tea tree oil ✅For acne skin and troubled skin ✅Excellent “ soothing ” effect
Dual Cell Care Perfect Renewal Peel Cream
JOJOBA OIL   The biggest skin concern in winter may be how to solve skin dryness and prevent moisture from evaporating! During the cold winter season, the weather is cold and dry + your skin gets dry from the heater wind wherever you go. Try Dr. PaceLeader’s 100% jojoba oil ! Just 1 drop will make a big difference.   Dr. PaceLeader’s Jojoba Oil Silicon Valley of the global horticultural industry The highest grade oil from the Netherlands!
VITA-ENZYME POWDER & HIMALAYANS SALT SCRUB                                  Today, among various deep clean sing products, I’d like to introduce two Essential ones for skin care, which benefit for removing dead skin cells .
Image   This winter, it seems like there's a lot of snow falling.   It snowed a lot recently, I thought to myself, ‘There’s a lot of snow that hasn’t melted yet, the roads will be more slippery.’ However, the view outside was really beautiful. I couldn’t help taking pictures to share with blogger readers.💖 ​ This is the view outside the window of Dr. PaceLeader's headquarters building, and it reminds me of a classic winter movie. Then, I remembered some products that matched my eyes, so I took them out and took some pictures. One of them is Snow Capsule Cream Snow Capsule Cream is a functional cream that provides moisturizing and whitening effects at the same time as containing abundant vitamin and moisture particles. ❤️ Snow Capsule Cream 💛 You can use it at the last step of skin care. I took a picture of the packaging box because I thought it would go well with the snow.
In cold weather, because of the dry skin, there are a lot of dead skin cells, which can lead to skin dullness and itchiness. Today we'd like to introduce the Duo Pee l product, which discards all old dead skin cells and promotes new skin regeneration. Duo Peel is a product used for microdermabrasion This is a peeling method that naturally removes dead cells by inducing regeneration of the stratum corneum without forcibly peeling it off. Duo Peel Features ✅ The needle thickness is precise and there are almost no impurities, so it causes less pain than existing seaweed peels. ✅ High penetration rate into the skin. ✅ You can resume your daily life immediately after the facial treatment. ✅ Made from 100% plant extracts, it does not cause any trouble and can be used on sensitive skin such as atopic skin or keloid skin. ✅ It is divided into 4 types, you can find the ones that suit your skin type.