Vita-Enzyme Powder

2024-02-28 14:34 Dr.PaceLeader 

I cleaned my house thoroughly the other day. Although I do the cleaning every week, but only to keep the surface clean.

During the cleaning, I can’t help but think of skin care (career-related [laughing]). The first step of skin care steps - cleansing, is like "cleaning"

You may have heard of double cleansing, which is often referred to as the first and the second cleansing.

Picture source:Freepik

Let’s briefly summarize the concept first~

The first cleansing: It refers to the step of removing makeup (light/heave makeup), just like cleaning up the garbage and visible dust on the floor at home.

The second cleansing: the steps to remove impurities and waste materials deep in the skin, just like thoroughly cleaning the dirt on the floor at home.

Picture source:Freepik

Today I will briefly tell you about the effects of using vitamin enzyme powder for secondary cleaning:

- Hypoallergenic enzyme powder

- If the moisturizing effect is good, you can use it every day.

(Of course, every 2-3 days is recommended!)

- Remove old cuticles and impurities

Contains vitamin C

Vitamin C ingredient makes skin transparent from inside and improves skin tone

For it is a powder made from enzymes,

Another great advantage is that it doesn’t leave your face dry out even after washing.


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