
Showing posts from June, 2024
  Hello. This is Dr. paceleader.  How is your skin these days? The intense sunshine and t he hot weather continues~ The same goes for today , the sound of the notification ringing without any hesitation I'm kind of scared to go out.😟 Skin concerns due to harsh sunlight Skin exposed to harsh sunlight causes the skin temperature rises, which leads to redness and i nflammation. Additionally, as sweat and sebum secretion increases, The oil level balance would be destroyed and eventually leads to skin concerns. So, what should we do with our skin in this weather? If possible, please refrain from going out between 12pm and 2pm slot. If you have to go out inevitably Make sure to wear sunscreen and a wide-brimmed hat Also make sure to drink enough water💦💦 Reminder A sudden face-washing with cold water  is not good for your skin. Accordingly there comes in Dr.Paceleader' new skincare products to prepare us for spending an enjoyable summer. What about RX

‘Cosmo Beauty Seoul 2024’ -Dr.PaceLeader

  Hello! It's been a while since we said hello here. we were keeping a bit busy until last week. ‘Cosmo Beauty Seoul 2024’    2H (Dr.PaceLeader) participated in ‘Cosmo Beauty Seoul 2024’ EXPO, under the brand of Dr. PaceLeader. About a month ago, we sent invitations to the EXPO to the aestheticians who have been ordering our products. Thankfully, many aestheticians visited our booth, even the aestheticians who lived far away from Seoul and always placed orders through social media or by phone. We were more than happy, as if we had met old friends, greeting each other warmly.